Aidvantage Student Loan: Are you currently a student? Furthermore, to cover your various expenses are you thinking about taking out a student loan? Lastly, were you on the internet looking around to find a student loan provider service which is reliable and trustworthy? Well, then rest assured we have what you want. In this blog we are going to introduce you to the services of Aidvantage Student Loan. Thereafter, we will go in depth and discuss everything you need to know about it. Therefore, before actually applying for the loan you will have all the information to guide yourself and your decision. Also, we will try to be very elaborate and easy to understand as we can. Therefore, you are sure to benefit from reading this blog. That is why we recommend you to stay tuned.
Aidvantage Student Loan: All you need to know about Aidvantage
Aidvantage is one of the loan service providers out there. Furthermore, all its operations seem to come under the US Department of Education. Aidvantage offers various services related to loans and several types of loans as well. Individuals using their services can easily understand various loan details that include things like the eligibility criteria. Additionally, you are sure to manage your student loans efficiently with their help. Thereafter, it will help you make plans for your future and how you would repay the loan. Their services are very simplified which makes them very comprehensive and easy to understand. In fact, even after an individual completes their studies the platform does not stop helping them. Individuals can get guidance and support from Aidvantage regarding the repayment of loans. Additionally, for student aid their are direct loan services and the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FELP).
What are the benefits of using Aidvantage Student Loan services?
As has been noted, the students are able to learn all things necessary about student loans. Hence, helping them develop a better understanding which will come in handy while making decisions. Undeniably, it is important because all finance related stuff is crucial to every individual. In fact, here many efficient ways of paying them back are also suggested.
This comes with various repayment plans that an individual can choose from. After deciding on which plan is most suitable for them they need to sign up for it. Similarly, if you seem to have any questions and doubts related to your student loans they will be acknowledged as well as answered. Therefore, customer satisfaction is the aim of their support team. However, you are not provided the option to customize or set the interest rates. Aside from that, IDR (Income Driven Repayment) and eligibility can’t be controlled as well. Lastly, they do not forgive anybody’s loans.
Aidvantage Student Loan: Consequences of the acquisition by Maximus
Formerly, the federal student loan services were under the management of Navient. However, Navient could not be a part of many controversies. Thereafter, they developed a very bad and unreliable image in front of the public. In fact, they are considered to have been involved in many scandals. Even their structure and systems were considered to be plagued. Thereafter, the whole platform was taken over by Maximus. After all this, Aidvantage went on to become the largest student loan company under Maximus. Evidently, more than 13 million individuals are already engaged in business with them and have taken loans. Currently, Aidvantage Student Loan needs to collect more than half trillion dollars in student debts. Because of the bad image it had managed to earn previously, people were relieved by the fact that Navient is no longer in charge.
However, there are still many risks involved in its use. There are many reports from SBPC and Communications Worker of America, that give evidence of the problems this platform has faced as a consequence of the move. Lastly, this company also gets a lot of criticism for being the only federal student loans and still not being efficient.

Aidvantage Student Loan: Step by Step login process
Evidently, before you login you need to register yourself as a user of this platform. Further, the process of registration can be considered to be very easy to understand and go through. Firstly, you should open up the official website of Aidvantage in your preferred internet browser. Thereafter, you need to find and click on the option that reads “Register”. If you are unable to find out you need to look under the login box. Then, instructions will pop up and once you are done reading them click on Next. Once you do that you will land on the registration page.
On this page, you need to carefully fill your details without any flaws. These details include things like social security number, account number, email, phone number and more. After you are done with this your registration is successful. Then you can use your credentials that you have to log in.
Aidvantage Student Loan contact details are provided down below
- Phone: 833-793-2135
- Email:
- Online: Log in to our Help Center
- Fax: 866-266-0178
- Mail: Aidvantage – Federal Student Aid Loan Servicing
- P.O. Box 300001
- Greenville, TX 75403-3001
This brings us to the conclusion of this blog. We hope that you found what you were looking for i.e., a reliable student loan provider. Therefore, we hope we managed to be beneficial and informative enough for you. We provided you with all the information you need before you take out a loan. Tell us in the comments how your user experience has been with them. Lastly, please consider checking out some of our other blogs if you found this to be helpful.
We do not promote the use of such loan services. Please think twice before getting engaged in debt. There might be instances that you might not be able to repay. Therefore, use your best judgement.
AUTHOR- Piyush Chauhan